In the intriguing world of “Haiku the Robot”, the eponymous protagonist, Haiku, embarks on an epic quest to thwart the spread of a deadly Virus and...
Category - Video Games
Sure, Jackbox Games have made quite the reputation for being inclusive, enjoyable, and, in a hilarious twist, an obvious financial haven for its boss, Mike...
“Forgive Me Father” is a thrilling game with five gripping acts and twelve intricate levels. As you navigate the arcane world of Pestisville, the...
Unlocking all endings in ‘Delivery From The Pain‘ is a challenging feat that requires keen attention to the storyline, careful management of...
“Chicken Police: Paint it RED!” is a unique blend of film noir and anthropomorphic characters, set in a world that is reminiscent of 1940s film...
Fake Ending of SIGNALIS In the intriguing world of SIGNALIS, exploring the mysterious land of Nowhere leads Elster, our protagonist, to a strange red gate. At...
Egocentrism is a Lunar item in Risk of Rain 2, introduced in the Survivors of the Void expansion. Every 3 seconds, it generates a floating orb that orbits the...
Diving into the intricate world of Barotrauma, you’ll encounter a myriad of crafting materials that contribute to the depth and diversity of your...
If you’re a fan of cooperative first-person shooter games, you’re likely familiar with Deep Rock Galactic. As a team of dwarven astronauts...
The remastered version of the iconic game, Shadow of the Colossus, has more than just a fresh coat of paint. It also introduces a new puzzle for players to...